E3Live gives me the ENERGY to keep moving – Andrew Week 6

Time flies!  We’re checking in with E3Live employee Andrew at the end of Week 6 in his E3Live 60 day challenge.  He’s taking E3Live products for 60 days PLUS doing the Insanity by Beachbody workout.  What a challenge!

IMG_0634How you feel physically, mentally and emotionally?

Following week 6, I am physically and mentally tired. Insanity has a 4 week first half, a recovery week, then a 4 week second half. The second half is more intense and an extra 20 minutes. This week kicked my butt! I was able to get through it though. I was unable to do the entire routine, but I expect by the end of the challenge I will be able to make it all the way through the routine.  I feel like if I wasn’t taking my algae, my body would be in a lot worse shape after doing Insanity…yet my body is hardly sore and I have the energy to keep moving after an insane workout like this.  

Any changes you notice?

I am getting stronger, more flexible, and I feel healthier.

Are you meeting your goals/are you on target?

So far

Are you following a specific diet if so, what is it?

Sticking with my normal diet, haven’t deviated from it.

Join Andrew and do your own E3Live + exercise challenge – create a NEW YOU in 2016!

E3RenewME helps support my joints – Andrew Weeks 4 & 5

We’re checking in with E3Live employee Andrew after he finished weeks 4 & 5 of his E3Live NEW YOU 60-Day Challenge.  He’s doing the Insanity by Beachbody workout and taking E3Live superfoods for 60 days.

How are you feeling Andrew?

JPEG image-D6768F4D260A-1Ending week 4 and 5, i feel pretty good. After week 4, I was pretty tired physically. Luckily week 5 of Insanity is a somewhat of a break. There is still cardio and balance, but it is a light load. I feel pretty good mentally, I have court coming up soon for divorce proceedings and I feel pretty good about it. I think it is due to the products I am taking from E3Live and the exercise that I am getting done. I feel like I am getting my body back to were it was – which I think also helps my mind emotionally.

Any changes you notice?

I am getting stronger, more flexible, and I feel healthier. 

Are you meeting your goals/are you on target?

So far

Are you following a specific diet if so, what is it?

I haven’t deviated from it.  Sticking with my normal diet.

Any changes you notice since taking E3Live products?

Throughout this insane workout, I have not had any knee issues like I have had in the past, my shoulders have not been popping and cracking, and I attribute this to the benefits E3RenewME. I take 4.8 grams of RenewME everyday or 6-800mg capsules. E3RenewME really helps to support my joints and body aches! 

Get inspired by Andrew and do your OWN E3Live Challenge!  You’ll FEEL the difference!  Learn more:  www.E3LiveChallenge.com


Andrew Week 3 – E3Live NEW YOU 60 Day Challenge

Challenge yourself!  E3Live employee Andrew sure did.  He is doing an E3Live NEW YOU Challenge – taking E3Live superfoods and doing Beachbody Insanity workout for 60 Days.  We’re checking in with him at the end of week 3.

How are you doing Andrew?

Ending this week I feel pretty good. I feel like I am getting sick though, maybe just run down. Not because I went out and partied, but because the kids and I went out to play in the snow.

Do you notice any changes?

I feel like I am stronger, I know i am more flexible, and I feel like I am standing up straighter.


Are you meeting your goals/are you on target?

I have not missed a day yet, so I am still on target.

How are E3Live products helping you?

I feel like the E3 Camu Camu is keeping me from getting sick with the all germs that the kids are bringing home. E3RenewMe is definitely helping with my joints. I used to have some problems in my left knee, but have not had an issue yet. I feel like Blue Majik is keeping the soreness in my muscles down.  

Andrew NEW YOU E3Live Challenge Week 2

Andrew, an E3Live employee, is doing a 60 Day Challenge using E3Live products and doing the Insanity by Beachboy workout.

We’re checking in with him for Week 2 of his challenge.

IMG_0243Andrew, how do you feel physically, mentally and emotionally?

Physically I feel 100% better so far. I tend to do my workouts in the morning before work so that it keeps my energy up throughout the day. We are getting heavy amounts of snow here and I can really tell when I am doing snow removal, my legs are stronger and my arms are stronger. I also am less tired after shoveling snow. Mentally I feel like I am much stronger. There was some serious stressors going on last week with Christmas, but I pushed right through it and was able to deal with it in a positive way. Thank you for E3 Camu Camu, the kids came home with another sickness and I feel as though if I didn’t have the E3 Camu Camu, I would have caught the sickness and it would have put me behind on my routine.

Do you notice any changes?

I have noticed that I am getting stronger and able to get more oxygen in my lungs. I am able to complete most of each workout with extra breaks.

Are you meeting your goals/are you on target?

So far I am meeting my goals. Even with life going on, I was able to complete my workout every day.

Join Andrew and do your own E3Live NEW YOU challenge – get a healthy start in 2016!